Legacy-GoHealth Medical Director shares COVID-19 exposure and testing guidance amid Omicron variant surge
Dr. Christian Molstrom, medical director of Legacy-GoHealth Urgent Care, appeared this week on KPTV Fox 12 Oregon to answer viewer questions about how to navigate the unprecedented demand for COVID-19 testing and when to stay home as the omicron variant surge continues.
Dr. Molstrom advised parents whose children have been exposed to another child who tested positive for COVID-19 to follow the advice of the school nurse, adding that exposed students who are fully vaccinated generally do not need to stay home if they are asymptomatic. Unvaccinated students should quarantine after exposure for the number of days recommended by the school nurse, with parents continuing to monitor for symptoms. For parents and caregivers who test positive and cannot self-isolate, Dr. Molstrom advises that children quarantine at home.
Dr. Molstrom’s advice for parents, caregivers or children who have quarantined for the recommended number of days after an exposure but have difficulty locating a test is to treat every possible symptom, even a bad headache or mild sore throat, as a potential symptom of COVID-19, keeping the student home until they’re well.
View Dr. Molstrom’s interview on KPTV here.