Tips for managing spring allergies

Allergies are one of the most common chronic health conditions in the world. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that one in three adults struggle with allergies. 

Spring can be a challenging time for those with seasonal allergies. Since this is a common condition, here are our best spring allergy tips and advice for managing allergies all year.

What exactly are spring allergies?

Allergies happen when the body mistakes pollen or other environmental substances as dangerous pathogens, causing the immune system to release histamines to attack the allergen. The symptoms of allergies include a runny nose, sneezing, rashes, and itchy or watery eyes.

Spring allergies are triggered by the pollen released by grass, flowers, and trees that bloom in the spring. Many people are allergic to the pollen of various plants. Therefore, it is common to struggle with spring allergies during this time. 

How long do spring allergies last?

Spring allergies typically last from February to early summer, but this may depend on where you live. May is usually the worst time for spring allergies, as many plants are blooming. 

Effective allergy management

Spring allergies can be quite frustrating and make you cough and sneeze frequently.  It can sometimes get in the way of daily life activities.. Luckily, it is possible to manage allergies with lifestyle changes and medication. 

Here are six tips for managing allergies in the spring:

1) Stay indoors during peak pollen hours

Pollen counts tend to peak in the early morning hours and on windy days. Since spring allergies are most often due to pollen, limiting your time outdoors during these times is wise to minimize your exposure.

2) Dry your clothes indoors

When temperatures rise in the early spring, it’s tempting to hang bedding and other laundry outdoors to save energy and get that “clean outdoors” smell. 

However, hanging your clothes outside to dry means they will collect pollen and other allergens. This will increase the amount of pollen brought into your home. If you have spring allergies, dry your clothes indoors to help minimize your symptoms.

3) Use a HEPA filter

In addition to pollen, patients can also suffer from allergies to dust mites, pet dander, and mold spores. Using a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter inside your home and in your vacuum cleaner can eliminate these microscopic particles from the environment and help manage allergies indoors.

4) Remove your shoes at the door

When you wear your shoes in your home, you track pollen and other allergens through every room you walk into. Removing your shoes at the door and asking your guests to do the same prevents you from adding pollen and other allergens to your home environment.

5) Allergy solutions

Other natural solutions can help manage your seasonal allergies. Nasal irrigation can help flush pollen from your nasal cavity. Be sure to stay hydrated during allergy season, as dehydration can dry out nasal passages, making allergies worse.

A healthy lifestyle, stress management, and a well-balanced diet can help your body fight off allergens.

5) Talk to a healthcare provider about medications

If you take all the steps listed above and still suffer from seasonal allergies, you might benefit from an oral antihistamine, nasal steroid spray, or antihistamine eye drops. 

Our urgent care providers can help you decide the allergy treatment that is best for you. Our centers can help diagnose and treat spring allergies so you can feel better sooner. 

We’re here to help

Our talented team of providers treats patients for allergies, offering relief.  We are also here to help with a variety of non-emergency illnesses and injuries. Find a center near you and save your spot online or just walk in to get started. We are here to help you feel better today.



Written By Sarah The bargePhysician Assistant on March 12th, 2024

Medically reviewed by J.D Zipkin, MD, MA, FAAP